Nodal (and Karmic) Shifts Boosted by Ceres ~ 26 Oct 2018

Tomorrow, 27 October, Ceres in Libra opposes Eris in Aries. Previously in an Eris-highlighting post I mused that perhaps this would be an October surprise in the U.S. elections. That chance still exists. However one of the themes of Ceres opposing Eris is activism... whether well founded or ill-guided does not seem to matter. As also noted in the previous post, Eris was dispatched by Jupiter to assist in correcting what Jupiter perceived as a political wrong.

In the U.S. we are currently watching arrest developments in a case regarding a series of pipe bombs mailed to individuals critical of the president, including two former presidents.

As the pundits are likely to say, stick a pin in this. Over the next days as Ceres continues to transit karmic-shaping points and need-influencing planets, the subsequent circumstances will not only be interesting, but perplexing and enigmatic in terms of evolutionary impact. It likely will take some time through the next two weeks for more to unfold and become clear.

Perhaps the best an individual can do is to keep the focus upon meaningful priorities, personal needs and aspirations, and how they must spin the circumstances in life to ensure that a perfect karmic fit is felt between actions taken, intentions behind those actions, and the expected evolutionary end game.

On 4 November Venus retrograde aligns with Ceres in late Libra. Given the advocacy innate within Ceres’ nature, and the desire for personal fulfillment so intimately understood by Venus, some interesting questions are posed to all:

What do you value?

What do you want?

What do you need?

What are you willing to do to get it?

Will the results be worth it?

Can you fancy yourself as the protagonist in your life story ready and willing to go beyond the beyond, take on larger-than-life scenarios with more panache and courage than your favorite super hero, or iconic figure in life?

Will your actions taken mitigate previous drama invoked?

Come 6 November the lunar nodes finish up an approximately 18-month transit along the Leo-Aquarius axis. For the next year and a half or so, the North (Lunar) Node finds comfort in Cancer, with the South (Lunar) Node digging deep and drilling down life-securing pilings in Capricorn. A certain level of optimism may accompany this transition given the North Node trines Jupiter in Scorpio as this karmic era begins.

Perhaps a transition from selfies (the Leo thing) to posted pics of family, the land where one lives, that which inspires tribal/soulful connection, and nature or locations that inspire a sense of nirvana will be the trend... all the latter factors reflected in the archetypal signatures of Cancer.

Perhaps reaffirming ones clan... persons with whom one shares common interests and beliefs, who can band together to better accomplish shared objectives will commence, cultivating a prevailing trend of cooperation of cause.

It is true that the nodes determine an overall karmic flavor. Let us hope that with the North Node in Cancer that “care of a (the) cow” as the I-Ching puts it, brings good fortune. That is, favoring those things that support life and the betterment of life for all, offers an optimal focus for the way of the world during this next nodal era.

As the 9th of November rolls around Ceres squares the lunar nodes. It is important to realize that a square to the nodes from any object creates an equilibrium of applying the best of the past, letting go of those things that do not further, and blending those influences with acquiring new skills and knowledge to achieve even more fantastical outcomes in the future. Leveling the playing field establishes a bubble-centric approach for reducing unfair advantages and idealizing results

Personally, this transit likely inspires an internal rallying cry for cause to rise for emphatic articulation. Should you be invigorated, inspired or downright irritated, look within to find what it is (urge, cause, karmic aspiration) that seeks to surface. The broaching result might be the handiwork of the universe surfacing the best of your subconscious and pointing you toward a banner to hold high.

On 10 November Ceres in Libra opposes Uranus coinciding as he back pedals into Aries. Several items to be considered here:

First, the conditions out there are what they are. Actualize understanding of how those things came to be instead of focusing upon any perceived lack of desirability.

Personalize conditions and circumstances. Until all of it is personal, it is difficult to summon ample motivation and follow the path.

Once a matter is personal, immunize your reactions and your motivations. Feel your concern passionately while possessing a sufficiently dispassionate attitude toward the outcome.

Seek out the Goldilocks zone of it simultaneously immensely matters with no emotional attachment.

Here are a few bullet points to keep in mind:

What are you going to do to invoke positive change?

Remember, change tends to occur with more organic ease from within to without.

When functioning as a squeaky wheel, carry a can of oil such that once the creaking is heard, the annoyance can be relieved and solutions can be explored within the opening of conscious attention by all engaged in the moment.

Avoid intoxication by the cause while in the passion of pursuing solutions.

Avoid blowing up the bridge you need to cross, or useful bridges that you recently crossed.

Create change that serves the nature of the time, benefits the planet and all its people. Those are the types of change that seize the moment and receive the support of the masses.

Keep in mind, one planet in one solar system critically matters in the cosmic scheme, and as such, the positive, contributing efforts of one person equally flags cosmic notation.

Before you know it, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius, the sign he rules. Saturn now transits the sign he rules, while Neptune moves through in the sign he rules. With the broad-thinking, optimism and openness that an ideal manifestation of Jupiter in Sag implies, let’s button up this year in grand, galactic order, and move into the next year with more well-founded plans than have been devised in a long time. Here’s to that.

More soon.